Marcus's Sense Of Duty Analysis

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One’s sense of duty reflects the mindset one has. For some, duty is important and for others it’s not. For Marcus, duty is what one needs to do in life, like how he ruled as Emperor of Rome during his lifetime even though it wasn’t what he wanted to do. Marcus also says that this sense of duty aligns with being a virtuous person because one would be doing what is good for the whole society by playing their role in life. This means that one wouldn’t have time to take part in worldly pleasures because they aren’t useful. This is Marcus’ explanation of how duty should be performed in a society. Marcus’ description of duty is that whatever someone is prescribed to do in life and it should be done without caring about what others say, do or think. He discusses how each action a person does is a part of a …show more content…

Marcus believes this is when good deeds are truly good because the good deed can be produced again without stipulations (5.6). When one practices a deed multiple times, after being taught the deed, one can eventually recreate said deed without much thought. If all members of a society were taught this way, good actions would be produced all the time. Marcus also thinks that it is possible for everyone to be virtuous. He says just because one doesn’t have the same skills as the strongest man or the same mind as the wisest elder, doesn’t mean one can’t learn to be like them or that one doesn’t any skill at all (5.5). Both points are the foundation for Marcus’ overall argument of duty. When someone is virtuous as Marcus describes, he or she acts as he or she was taught and if it is to be assumed that he or she was taught to be moral and honest and such, then the duty allotted to this person would be done in this manner. Also, if a person firmly believes that he or she has a talent to offer despite what others can bring, then he or she could not only perform a task well, but with