Mardi Gras Research Paper

2016 Words9 Pages

Let the Good Times Roll
What is Mardi Gras and when does it happen? What is it’s significance? Well in the city of New Orleans there is an unique holiday called Mardi Gras. It is one of the most important holidays in New Orleans and is held to the standards of another important holiday, Christmas. The people in New Orleans celebrate this holiday the Tuesday before the lent season. It is a enormous deal to the people living there and during this time the city is transformed. There are upbeat people in the streets yelling and hoping to be the lucky one to catch beads, the people on the floats as cheerful as it gets, and music is playing in all directions. As Drake and Future would say in their 2015 album it is truly a time to be alive. Not only is Mardi Gras a huge celebration but it is filled with rich history and has significance not only to the city of New Orleans but to the whole world. …show more content…

When we think of Mardi Gras we think of the beads and floats but to the old and historic Catholics it has a different meaning. In an article written by Philip Ross he talks about how it was just a festive day before lent. “ Catholics saw this as a day celebration before the season of Lent started which was the next day.”(Ross) Lent was a celebration for christians where they would give up a type of product or meat for religion purposes. So they would try to consume all products they could not have during Lent. A large amount of people believe it started in the city of New Orleans, but the real origins of New Orleans can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome when early. Christians are said to have eaten and jubilated ahead of the somber days of Lent. The history of the Mardi Gras we know date back to 1703. According to a CNN article written by Chris Mould he tells how Mardi Gras started in Mobile,