I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Chapter Summary

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Introduction and Main Characters
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is an autobiography by Maya (Marguerite Johnson) and the book is about the early years of her life. The book is the first of seven books about her life. The main characters are Bailey Johnson Jr. who is Maya’s brother, Momma Henderson who was Maya and Bailey’s Grandma, Uncle Willie was Momma’s Henderson’s son who was crippled. Vivian Baxter who was Maya’s mother, and Bailey Sr. Maya’s and Bailey’s father. Summary The book begins with Maya at three years old and Bailey are four years being sent from their father in California to their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. In the beginning up until the end the book, Maya is always talking about her brother and how she loves him. When it was the time of the depression, …show more content…

She asks her mother, and she says that she is not. Although her mother spoke to her about homosexuality, Maya still believed that she was a homosexual. Maya then had a boyfriend and they had an affair. Nine months later, Maya has a baby at the age of around 16. Her mother helps Maya nurture the baby. The baby’s name is Guy. The book ends when the baby is about three months.

Thoughts on Maya Angelou
The reason why I think the world is a better place is because of Maya Angelou is because she was a strong young lady who did not let her conditions affect her.
What I admire about Maya Angelou is that she use her voice for good and not for evil. During the time of her generation, she always spoke to the youth to speak for themselves and to never let anyone shut them up. This could influence my life to never back down and to rise up.
God used Maya to advance His kingdom on Earth by being encouraging, positive, and loving to all around