Marie's Last Word To David In Montana 1948 By Larry Watson

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“He’s hard to see him when you look for him” (86). These were Marie’s last word to David in Montana 1948 written by Larry Watson. In this fast read a 12 year old boy witnesses lying, cheating, deception, and death in order to preserve the Hayden family name. When David’s uncle frank pays the ultimate price, the secret comes out and sheds light on the truth. The sheriff Wes, David’s father has a difficult time deciding what is right and wrong when he investigates his only brother. Conflict within a family affects ones prospective of right and wrong. When Wes first confronted his brother about the sexual assault accusations, he thought the ordeal was over before it started. On the way back from his father’s house, Wes said to his wife, “I think the problem has been taken care of. Frank said he was going to cut it out” (85). This statement was shocking. Wes was the sheriff, and he has a duty to apprehend the guilty even if it’s his only brother. His wife knew he was wrong. She fired back, “It can’t be undone” (85). She knew what Wes has to do, he has to arrest his brother because he is guilty. It was apparent that Wes knew Frank is guilty and was not going to make an arrest because they were family. …show more content…

Even after he arrests him he is still trying to protect the family name. He brought Frank to his house, and locked him in the basement. He tells his wife and David as soon as they returned home. “He’s in the basement. Godamn it don’t you get it I’ve arrested him” (109).Wes’s decision to put frank in the basement shows he isn’t ready to let go of the family name. He does not want the community to know the ugly truth, and he is protecting his family. Wes granted him his only wish, “he didn’t want to go to jail not in this town” (109). Again this shows Wes will not do the right thing, because he is still has loyalty to the family name. Wes is not worried about breaking the law to protect the