Marijuana Legalization Research Paper

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Social Justice Topic: Marijuana legalization
Everyone has an opinion about drug use. Why is it important to us, and what people do to their own consciouserss? Is that something that the government should be able to legislate? Or should people free to choose their own conscious state?
Individuals and government are most likely answer these questions by pointing to the cost of drug addiction, both to the addict and to the society that must carry unproductive people, pay for their welfare, and often even take care of their children. Drug user appear to be criminals, the culprits behind all those drug related shooting, knifing, and robberies you see in the new everyday. For this reason, The Federal government program focus on drug use as a criminal offense and attempted to stop drug use through the imprisonment of user.
The government appears to be increasing support for the idea that people should be free to decide whether they want to use substances to alter their consciousness, especially when use of the substance carries a medical benefit, such as marijuana can decrease nausea, insomnia and increase appetite. Since 1996, 18 states and the District of Columbus have enacted law …show more content…

When smoke and eaten, this drug produces an intoxication that is mainly hallucinogenic. Marijuana affect judgment and short-term memory, and impairs motor skills and coordination that making driving a car or operating heavy equipment of a rush of ideas. Research have found that receptor in the brain that respond to THC are normally activated by a neurotransmitter called anademinde that is naturally produced by brain. Anandemine is involved in the regulation of mood, memory, appetite, and pain perception and has been found temporarily to stimulate overeating in laboratory animals, much as marijuana does in human. Some chemical found in dark chocolate also mimic