Marijuana Legalization Stuart Gitlow Summary

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In the article Marijuana legalization is a risk not worth taking written by Stuart Gitlow on Wednesday July 30, 2014, he poses an argument. In this article, Gitlow introduces the topic of legalization and marijuana. He states the addiction people develop with use of this psychedelic drug. Statistics are brought up to show the amount of people who use it, and how it effects a percentage of the population and their brain processes. Gitlow brings to the surface the economy and victimizing of the youth. The conclusion of this article is that ‘the legalization of marijuana is not something that is a risk worth taking. I do not agree with this statement of the author. The legalization of marijuana will reduce crime rate, will keep a substantial amount of blacks out of the prison system, and will make better use of the tax player’s money. One primary premise that is brought up by Gitlow is “...Our country stands ready to once again head down the path of accepting another addictive drug, marijuana.” He supports this statement with research that was done that says 1 out of every 6 teens who smoke marijuana will become addicted. This is true however, 34% of those who smoke tobacco become addicted. Today, 20% of these adult smokers are active smokers …show more content…

It is possible to become addicted to cannabis but do to the lack of a highly addictive chemical, is why the use of marijuana can lead to psychosis. The mind of the individual confuses this want into a need because of the feeling of euphoria that it grants the user. Logically speaking, it is possible to become addicted to anything. Addiction is the feeling that one cannot go without something that gives them a specific satisfaction. By that definition, it suggests that the person’s will power is weak, and they believe to themselves that they are not able to continue without that which they are addicted