Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a magical organization where many people get together and donate toys to children in need. Toys for Tots was founded by Bill and Diane Hendricks in 1947, Los Angeles, California. They both wanted to help needy children that didn’t have toys or whose parents that couldn’t afford getting toys for their children. It all started with a Raggedy Ann doll that was handcrafted by Diane herself. She wanted to give it to a needy child since Bill and Diane didn’t have any children. Bill looked around Los Angeles for a agency that donates toys to children, but there was nothing of the sort. Bill and Diane wanted those needy children to experience the joy of Christmas and receiving toys for that holiday, so in the end, they created the foundation Toys for Tots. …show more content…
They go by that saying and help many children receive toys for Christmas. They helped many children in Rockaway Beach in Queens New York that were affected by the destruction from Hurricane Sandy, many of the children wouldn’t have Christmas presents due to the destruction and their parents wouldn’t have enough money to get them the presents that they wanted. The people that came up with the idea to help those children were Dominick and Kevin. Dominick is a jazz trumpet player and Kevin is a monster truck driver. Though they were very different, both of them came together and made those kids dreams come true in having a wonderful Christmas. They drove all the way to New York from Cleveland, Ohio, that’s a 500 mile drive. Kevin and Dominick drove a truck full of toys all the way over to those