
Marines Vs Army Essay

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U.S. Marines vs. U.S. Army
There are a number of things that separates the Marines from the Army. The benefits are basically the same the only difference is the pay and the reasons why a person would get paid. During active duty with the Marines you get something the Marines call “competitive pay,” which basically means someone gets payed more than the Army’s basic pay. Along with competitive pay new recruits with the Marine Corp get special enlistment bonuses, as well as a small flow of pay for housing. The Marines is a better profession for me because Marine corps troops get free healthcare for life, a few months of paid vacation and much more. Now when it comes to boot camp the Army has a lot more places for recruits to be sent. For the Marine Corp, all new recruits get sent to “Parris Island, South Carolina or somewhere in San Diego, California” (“Marine Corps”). Now all new recruits with the Army can be sent to one of five places including “Fort Jackson, Fort Knox, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Sill, or Fort Benning” (“Marine Corps” ). Depending on what MOS (Military Occupational …show more content…

If someone was to be apart of this MOS they could be something along the line as a drill instructor so that they can teach people how to be good soldiers and they get to yell at everyone. It is possible for someone to be a recruiter and their job sounds easy, but in reality it’s not. They have to be able to answer everyone's questions to try and get them to join the armed forces. Probably the hardest MOS to be is the “Commander of the United States Marine Corp or the Commander of the United States Army.” (“United States Marine Corp”) Their job is the toughest because they have to command the entire Marine Corp or Army and they have to be able to make sure that all the drill sergeants know what they are talking about and are up-to date on all modern tactics to teach the new

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