Househusband's Influence Of Couple Power On The Family

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Couple Power Traditionally, husbands are perceived to be more powerful because of the culture-based people lived into. The notion a person up-bring with is that men particularly the father or husband must be more powerful than the rest of the family members because of the gender role and gender expectation the society narrates him to do. At times, one marital partner is able to exercise his or her will over the other. Just as power in society is often linked with money, marital power can be considered of as being “obtained” by the partner with bigger access to resources (Chapin, 2004). A resource is "anything that one partner may make available to the other, helping the latter satisfy his needs or attain his goals" (Blood & Wolfe, 1960). …show more content…

The concept of family and power is closely related and impossible to be separated. Families, as traditionally stated, continue to practice the control over the family members; the struggles for achieving domination or personal power to influence the rest of the members of the family are usual (Olson & DeFrain, 1994). The researchers are interested in examining if a househusband could still portray his role as superior in the family even though he is unemployed (Is the househusband could still handle and manage to control over the rest of the family members even he is unemployed?) The occupational prestige and status of employment are considered to be a major factor on attaining power on the family (Olson & Defrain, …show more content…

They defined a resource as “anything that one partner may make available to the other, helping the latter satisfy his needs or attain his goals” (Blood & Wolfe, 1960). Blood and Wolfe conceptualized couple (marital) power as the differential control of resources. They believed that socioeconomic, occupational, and educational resources influenced power relations most strongly, and therefore examined these particular resources in their studies. Ultimately, they believed that marital power is determined by the spouse who brings the greatest number of resources to the marriage. Their approach to the study of power became known as resource