Mark Mcgwire's Story To Matt Trusty: A Baseball Legend

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Mark McGwire was a baseball legend. To Matt Trusty, he was more than a baseball player. With a record breaking career, McGwire became an all-american hero. He brought baseball to a whole new level of competition, hard work, and endurance. Mark McGwire was one of the greats.

Matt Trusty had always loved McGwire since he was in highschool. He explained, “I just started falling in love with McGwire. I loved his work ethic, I liked how he played the game, I liked how he didn’t really stand to watch home runs when he hit them. He was a great player and I’ve followed him back since his career with Oakland,” (Trusty). When McGwire played for the Oakland A’s, he hit fifty-two home runs in the 1996 season, which was “the most ever hit by an Oakland …show more content…

Some were believable and some were just plain ridiculous. “I don’t know if I believed everything that I heard because there were a lot of allegations. It’s kind of funny now because most of the people that he alleged actually came to parisian were using them, but you know, how they were doing them, what they were doing. You don’t believe all the allegations, but you do believe some of them. But when it’s in detail, it’s kind of hard not to believe some of the allegations. The one I really remember is when Jose Canseco said he and McGwire were basically injecting them into each other. That one I did believe, but there were other ones that I don’t really remember because I let them go in one ear and out the other,” (Trusty). Eventually, Jay McGwire shut down Canseco’s rumor. “Letting his teammate inject him with something he didn’t know about or understand just doesn't make sense at all… Looking at pictures of Mark’s body back in 1988, when Jose claimed to be shooting his butt full of steroids, anyone can see that he doesn’t show any discernable bulk. Jose got ripped, but Mark remained lanky,” (McGwire 123). It was simply Jay’s word against Jose’s. No one will probably ever know the real truth, but what is accurate is Mark using steroids. He even admitted it himself and sent a shockwave through baseball.

What is also certain is Mark McGwire will always be Matt Trusty’s baseball hero, regardless of the steroid scandal. “I’m not saying it was right, but you could tell he wasn’t the only person using steroids at the time. They were illegal for regular people to do it, still illegal for him to do it, but baseball didn’t really have a ban against them, so every player was trying to gain an edge, but it didn’t really change my opinion of him. I just think at the time they were all doing them, that it was the thing to do,”

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