Marlee Marlie Quotes

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Marlee gets her stubbornness through the book because people don’t think that she should see Liz and that seeing Liz could lead to serious problems. According to the text, “I mean it, Marlee. I don’t want to scare you too much - I’ll keep you safe - but I do want you to be careful. Which means you stay away from Liz.” “I nodded to show him I understood what he was saying. But I didn’t promise that I would. Marlee’s father tells her to stay away from Liz because it’s too dangerous, but that doesn’t stop her from secretly seeing and having conversations with Liz. In result of them seeing each other they both help to re-open the schools and fight against Red with the dynamite together. Another example from the text is, “Maybe,”said Daddy. “Or

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