Marshall Plan Research Paper

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The Marshall Plan While war brings chaos, loss, and destruction, it also leaves a country feeling broken emotionally, physically, and financially. The Marshall Plan was Secretary of State George C. Marshall’s plan of recovery for Europe after World War Two. Initially, I chose to write my research paper based on the information I found on the website History because the website seemed very reliable. Also, contained a video explaining The Marshall Plan in only four minutes! Continually, The Marshall Plan relates to the topic we are currently studying since Chapter 27 relates to the efforts made to recover after a massive World War. The United States wanted to pass an aid for broken Europe owing to the fact that, “Socialist and Communist parties were emerging in many Europeans nations.” (1006) Passing The Marshall Plan was a way to, “reconstruct the European economy, neutralize Communist insurgencies, and build foreign markets for American products.” (1007) …show more content…

The first being, The Marshall Plan provided over 13 billion dollars in recovery aid! This is an immense amount of money, but I can’t begin to conclude how massive the war damages must have been. Secondly, I found it shocking that the Soviets chose not to participate in The Marshall Plan stating that the plan, “interfere in the internal affairs of other states.” Although The Soviet Union did not acquire as much damage as the rest of Europe, it did not want its Warsaw Pact territories (Poland and Czechoslovakia) under the influence of America ideals. Lastly, it’s an intelligent move to help Europe during this crisis because if not America would have fallen into another economic depression. The Marshall Plan allowed for, “remake the European economy in the image of the American economy.” I admire America for this

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