What Kind Of Brave Are You Analysis

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What Kind of Brave Are You?
Wayne (2011) says “Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway” (Dungate, 2011). This line could be understood or interpreted in different perspectives. One may perceive it with a moral point of view or in the physical light. It may be seen in different ways but all are under the view of courage. Courage is usually associated with bravery and strength, may it be of a kid’s superhero character or any ordinary person. Courage may also be associated with how one stands up for oneself or others that requires confidence. Ultimately, courage is the trait of one that may require either physical or moral strength to withstand fear or difficulty. As defined by the electronic dictionary, courage is the ability …show more content…

How does a person show might and strength in a physical manner? One that exemplifies this is Abraham Lincoln. He was said to be as the bravest man who has ever lived by William Greene, an acquaintance that he had for a long period of time. He was also said to be the strongest man that was in his days. Abraham Lincoln regarded physical courage as a significant tool on both political and military authority. (The Lincoln Instui, 2014). He was involved in various battles. He was the captain during the Black Hawk War and was also the commander-in-chief in the Confederate Bombardment of Fort Sumter. He himself claimed that he fought and shed blood in those wars. (McPherson, …show more content…

This actress that was made famous by various movies was made famous once again this time as a feminist who goes further. She does not only fight for women’s rights or women empowerment but she goes further and fights for equality between both sexes. As the Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, she delivered a speech on the 20th of September 2014 that aimed to address gender inequality and how to respond to it. With this, she launched the campaign called HeForShe. The speech that she delivered in the United Nations, reached a global scale and inspired many. She was able to get numerous males to pledge for the HeForShe campaign. She saw the negative progression of feminism and how it became analogous to man-hating. She knew this had to be halted. In definition, feminism is the belief that there should be equality between men and woman in terms of rights and opportunities. She also recognizes that gender inequality is not only an issue to women but to men as well. She states in her speech that gender stereotypes encompasses both men and women, thus it cages men as well. According to her, men suffer mentally due to the lack of help that they receive emotionally since men have this certain fear that when they open up emotionally, they would be deemed as less of a man. (Cole, 2014). Watson (2014) says “We are struggling for a uniting word, but the good news is that we have a uniting movement.” In these