Martin Luther King Research Paper

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Martin Luther King, Jr was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. Martin was the middle child of Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. Martin Luther King grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and attended a small public school at the age of 5. In the year 1936, Martin Luther King, Jr was baptized. Jennie who was Martin’s grandmother died when he was 12 years old and little did anyone know that this would leave a huge impact on his life. After the death of his grandmother, Martin contemplated suicide by jumping from a second story window at the family home. Martin Luther King, Jr attended Booker T. Washington High School. He skipped both ninth and eleventh grade. Martin was said to be a popular student but no one actually knew who he was until later on. Martin’s family was really into church and worship, but Martin felt a little discomfort at first. He felt this discomfort the whole time he was growing up but later on he took a Bible class and let it at ease some. Martin then began to start a career in ministry in the fall of his senior year in high school. In 1948, Martin earned a degree in sociology and attended school in Pennsylvania. Martin had problems the entire time he was earning this degree. He thought drinking beer and partying all the time would be the right …show more content…

By the late 1960’s all was settled and all the mess was over. Martin wrote his “I have a dream” speech in 1963 on August 28. King’s intentions were that one day all men, white and black, could all be bothers. Many people did not face the racist things that Martin Luther King, Jr. did but in the end everyone knows that this made King a better person for going through what he did to make everything equal again. Many people seemed to question the Jim Crow Laws that treat African American citizens. In 1964, Martin became the youngest person to ever win the Nobel Peace Prize. Many said that King had the best saying and quotes out of