Marxism Animal Farm

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Marxism and “Majorism” Government controlled, nothing is private, and everyone works: this is what is expected of the people who believe in Marxism. A man of brilliant philosophical ideas, Karl Marx, was the match who lit the fire and his great philosophies spread like a wild fire throughout all of Europe and parts of Asia. These theories were based off the ideas of Marx and his philosophies to maintain a successful economy and government. Marx’s ideas have been left behind to help and grow social and economic ethics that a society should eventually form called Marxism. Marxism are social, political, economic theories of Marx helps a society eventually have no classes. Animal Farm portrays these ideas through Old Major and his speeches. Old Major’s speech and ideas influenced the entire farm to overthrow their current leader and run the farm themselves. In Animal Farm by George Orwell, the philosophies and characteristics of Old Major represent the ideas and …show more content…

Marx was one of nine children who were all born Jewish. His father was a successful Jewish lawyer, but in 1815 he converted to Christianity. When Karl Marx was old enough to go to college, he started studying at the University of Bonn in 1835. The University of Bonn was known for a rebellious culture and while at Bonn, Marx got himself into trouble by getting drunk at parties and being put into jail. Marx’s father made him enroll into the University of Berlin because of his previous behavior. At Berlin Marx studied law and philosophy, and during his years of study at Berlin, he was introduced to the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel. Hegel was a professor at Berlin until he passed away. Marx had also become involved with a group of students who criticized the political establishments of the day, this lead to Marx becoming more involved with ideas to form better ways of living of societies. He came to many conclusions and finally made the bases for Marxism