
Karl Heinrich Marx And The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

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Karl Heinrich Marx has influenced many revolutions in his time through his ideals of Marxism. Karl Marx was born in 1818 to a middle class family in Trier, Prussia. His father came from a line of rabbis, however, he was a lawyer and very interested in enlightenment ideas, specifically those of Kant and Voltaire. Karl Marx was baptized at the age of six, but because of his Jewish background, he was often discriminated. This led to his later opinion of religion being of no use in politics. Marx went to the University of Berlin, after an unsuccessful year at the University of Bonn, where he studied law and philosophy. After graduating, he joined a newspaper in Cologne called the Rheinische Zeitung. There he wrote about the evils of censorship, …show more content…

After they moved to Paris, Marx befriended Friedrich Engels who would become a great influence on Marx and his papers. The Prussian government tried to stop Marx from spreading his ideals, so he was expelled from France. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels moved to Brussels, Belgium. Marx wrote his most famous piece the pamphlet The Communist Manifesto with the help of Engels. By this time Marx had developed his idea of politics, communism, that would influence many revolutionaries. He believed class struggles made up history, and that societies would follow a path that led from capitalism to socialism to finally communism. In Marx’s opinion, that only when the working class fought to stop the rich bourgeoisie would an acceptable society be created without classes. These ideas created the method of Marxism. Karl Marx would be expelled from Brussels to live in London, England until he died. While in London, he wrote for the New York Tribune, wrote Das Kapitel, and often spoke for the International Working Men’s Association. Karl Marx died in 1881, before he saw his Marxist theories in work. The first, and most relevant, revolution to use Marxist ideas was the Russian

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