Marxism Vs. Marxian Ants

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Part of what defines a society is the economic system their country chooses to adopt. In modern times most countries have chosen capitalism. However, the opposite of capitalism, communism, has been attempted by multiple countries but has never worked nearly as well as its divergent. In capitalism “ most of the means of production are privately owned and production is guided and income is distributed largely through the operation of markets” (Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). Whereas communism represents and idealistic doctrine that “aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production and the natural resources of a society” (Dagger and Ball). Marxian …show more content…

A superorganism is what is used to describe this type of behaviors in animals. Comparable to the body parts of a single animal a superorganisms body parts consist of members that unite for a common purpose, in an ants case the common purpose is to care for their colony. Colonies operate by having different types of ants specialize in specific jobs in order to divide their labor. There is usually one queen per colony and her job is solely to breed, other female ants are sterile due to hormones that the queen produces. Males fertilize queens and do not live very long while the rest of the ants are workers. Worker ants have two jobs depending on their age, “Younger ants work inside the nest, taking care of the queen and her brood. Older workers go outside to gather food and defend the nest against enemies” (Holbrook, Clark, and Haney). While ants are not very intelligent on their own the superorganism that they make is. By processing information as a group they are able to solve problems that solitary insects would not be able to, such as finding a place for a colony. They can discover more options and make more comparisons than an insect that operates on its own, along with not making a mistakes as …show more content…

However, the roles that each bee fills are marginally more complicated compared to ants. There are three different types of bees in a colony queens, drones, and workers. Honey bee queens, similar to ant queens, primarily breed, but they also produce “pheromones that serve as a social ‘glue’ unifying and helping to give individual identity to a bee colony” (Mid Atlantic Apiculture Research & Extension Consortium). Drones are the male bees of the hive and only present during the warmer periods of the year, because they starve during the winter after being kicked out of colonies with a queen. Their one commitment is to fertilize virgin queens. The worker bees are sexually underdeveloped females that have “specialized structures, such as brood food glands, scent glands, wax glands, and pollen baskets, which allow them to perform all the labors of the hive”(Mid Atlantic Apiculture Research & Extension Consortium). Honey bees are also