A Mockingbird Essays: How Wasps Are Made Up Of Bees

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Hymenoptera Have you ever heard the buzzing sound of a mysterious bug flying around you in the spring and summer? If so it’ll more than likely be a member of the hymenoptera insect. Hymenoptera is an insect order that is made up of bees, wasps, sawflies, and ants. The name “hymenoptera” refers to the insects’ wings. It is the third largest insect order with over 150,000 species recognized and many more still waiting to be described.
“Wake up and smell the roses!” is a phrase commonly used by people. This phrase would never exist if bees didn’t exist. Bees are responsible for pollinating one-sixth of the flowering plant species throughout the world. Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. Flowers seem to lure bees in by their amounts of nectar and pollen, scent, and color. Once the bee collects nectar and pollen from the flower some pollen is left on the bee’s body. Therefore, when the bee comes upon another flower the pollen is rubbed off on the female stigma. This is when fertilization takes place and fruits and seeds are produced. …show more content…

It turns out that wasps play a significant role in the wine industry. Wasps have the ability to store yeast in their stomachs. Many wasps tend to feed on late season grapes which are rich in wild yeast. The wasp then stores the yeast and during the winter months the mother regurgitates the yeast to the new generation. Those new wasps then carry the yeast back to the next season of grapes. Sawflies are mainly recognized by the broad connection of their abdomen and thorax. The sawfly’s larvae is very similar in its physical appearance to a caterpillar. Sawflies tend to feed on plants with high concentration of chemical defense. When the sawflies are not being the hunters they are being hunted. Partridge chicks tend to feed on the sawfly larvae. Sawflies are also an essential food source for stonechat

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