Marxist Theominism And The Marxist Perspective

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Marxist perspectives central aims are to provide an empirically well-founded description of phenomenon, to get the social implications; and to illuminate the historical process through which these phenomenons came to exist in the real world. Additionally, its aims at comprehend and explain reality using s themes analysis and this is confirmed by research.
Positivism is based on a notion that science is an only way to learn about the truth and this perspective belongs to epistemology which is denoted as philosophy of knowing. It majorly depends on quantifiable observations which lead to statistical analysis of the data. It has been noted positivism is in accordance with the empirical view that knowledge stems from human experience. This perspective has an ontological and atomistic view of the world as comprising observable features and events that interact in an observable, determined and regular manner. Positivist studies adopt usually deductive approach (Crowther and Lancaster 2008). Researcher’s role is limited to data collection and interpretation through objective approach and the research results are quantifiable and observable. Positivists view the world from a scientific point of view was seen as the way to get at truth through prediction and controlling it. The world was thought to operate by laws of cause and affect that we could discern if researchers used unique approach. They emphasised the use deductive reasoning to postulate theories that can be tested.