Marx's Exploitation Of Workers In The World Today

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Marx argued that this type of labour that the Proletariats performed, always involved exploitation because they earned less for their labour in order for the Bourgeoisie to make profit. For Marx, exploitation is a requirement for a capitalist system, which is why he argues that the system was flawed as it resulted in inequalities between people. This is why he believed that a socialist state would be a better system as people would work together and there would be no class struggles. Exploitation of workers is something we see occurring in the world today. AS companies move their modes of production overseas because of cheaper labour. Cheaper labour means more profit for them but it exploits the workers in developed countries (Sutcliffe 214). Furthermore, people in home countries lose their jobs to overseas labour resulting in more inequality. This type of exploitation also causes alienation as people continue to work for other people with no ends of their own (215). For Marx, the solution to this was to allow workers to own the means of production as well so they can also benefit from the work they do. …show more content…

They tried to stay ahead of other competitors and this was at the expense of the labourer as this meant there was more work for them. Someone who may have had a specialized job, may be forced into the life of a labourer as as more efficient modes of productions were made. Marx calls for a socialist mode of production, which is an economic system that sees commodity as human need rather than something that brings profit. his goal was to make society classless and the way to do that would be through revolution where the proletariats seize the powers of the bourgeoisie (218). He believed that this would bring the greater good, and therefore it is