Marx's Theory Of Class Conflict

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In the Communist manifesto, a well known quote of Marx, “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” This is introductory to the first part of the pamphlet and a conclusion to Marx’s theory about class struggle. Marx’s highly structured on how the class struggle emerges and affects the development of a society. The development of a society from the old and from the new is the result of the conflict of classes in the society. Marx’s use of this method, the dialectical materialism, to analyze the general development of historical events and it is a large outline of the principal stages through which history has moved. The materialist view to history shows that humanity has the capability to survive, as …show more content…

And it also needs necessities for their daily life and in that case they have to enter in a relationship with nature and their environment. The forces of production are basically divided into two. First, labor force of the man as a laborer to production, the artisan, farmers, workers, etc., second is the means of production, the instrument of production, and the raw materials used by the laborers that involve to the production process. It is the technological level of ability how the society controls the nature (in feudal society engage agriculture, and in the capitalist society use machinery to create product from the raw materials from the nature), society uses tool to develop in agriculture by using stone, iron, and advance …show more content…

The production of means of survival by man is separated from animal stage and it started when man learn to make goods for his necessities. Man uses instruments of labor over the nature to create his goods for survival. Labor began in the ancient time when man learnt how to use stone tools as the first instrument of labor. Human relations formed in the process of production are the basis for the formation of the society. The entire social structure consists of the base and the superstructure together called as socio-economic formation. In the mode of production there are two opposites that create struggle. This struggle itself is the motive force of the process development of the human society. The force of production is the struggle of human being against the nature. This is the effort of man to transform natural resources into useful goods for daily use for human life. Whether the peasant grows crops, the potter making the pot, all of this are transform natural resources into useful thing. The forces used by man to transform it were known as productive forces. Productive force is divided into two, the means of production and the human