Karl Marx's Standpoint Theory

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Standpoint Theory Standpoint theory is an epistemology; associate an account of the evolution of data and strategies of action by explicit collectivises in specific social relations in given periods. The concept has been derives from the Karl Marx’s interpretation of sophistication relations in free enterprise. The historical development of free enterprise as a mode of production concerned the disintegration of social structure hierarchies and their gradual replacement by a replacement category system. within the previous couple of pages of Volume 3 of Capital Marx writes, ‘the continual tendency and law of development of the capitalist mode of production is a lot of and a lot of to divorce the suggests that of production from labour, and …show more content…

Lukács and Gramsci for his or her half conjointly appear to own planned of the proletariat as male. They use masculine nouns and pronouns in concerning it, and rarely allude to feminine employees or feminine relations of male employees. Indeed the unthinking assertion of masculinity so emphatic on be laughable. So Lukács celebrating the proletarian achievement: ‘From this point of view alone will history extremely become a history of man for it contains nothing that doesn 't lead back ultimately to men and to the relations between men’ (Lukács 1968:186). Withal, within the Seventies some feminist socialist thinkers began to check the uses of Marxist point of view theory for understanding kinds of thought rising from women’s exploitation and oppression in a very patriarchal sex-gender …show more content…

Labour as Marxist feminist problematic Even at intervals its own frame of reference, Marxist thought had clearly unknotted associate degree important development. a particular feature of the division of labour is that the sexual division of labour. This had been exactly Hartsock’s project - to render associate degree ‘account of the sexual division of labour and its consequences for epistemology’ (Hartsock 1985:232). Truth or power? An informative exchange of ideas on point of view passed within the feminist journal Signs in 1997. In a commentary titled ‘Truth and Method: Feminist point of view Theory Revisited’, Susan Hekman tackled many issues for point of view theory raised by genre. She remarked that ‘among younger feminist theorists, feminist point of view theory is usually regarded as a quaint relic of feminism’s less refined past’. Its inspiration, Marxism, had been discredited in each theory and apply point of view theory appeared to ‘be at odds with the issue that has dominated feminist discussion within the past decade: difference’ (Hekman