The Conflict Between Social Classes

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Social classes were more of a social relationship rather than a position or rank in society. The bourgeoisie could not exist without the proletariat, or vice-versa. Classes are an essential aspect of production, the division of labor and the labor process. The relationship between the rich and the poor is further contradictory in that it is not just two sets of interests, but there is no resolution of the capital-labor contradiction within the organization of capitalism as a system. As stated by Rummel (1977), Marx observed the society to its main classes, and the struggle amid them as the engine of modification. The arrangement itself was a derivative and ingredient in the conflicts between social classes. As Marx saw the change in class conflict, …show more content…

Society tends to display inequality of rights and privileges also called as favoritism; this favoritism is mostly among high-status people and this favoritism creates possible conflicts in the society. Nonetheless, conflict embodies different levels; these levels are potentiality, dispositions, or manifestations. Space of possibilities is called potentiality, thus, conflict as potentiality is the space of possible conflicts. On the other hand, at the level of dispositions and powers, there are two facets of conflict - conflict-structure and conflict-situation. Dispositions opposing each other within the conflict space is called conflict-structure whereas situation which opposing tendencies are activated and opposing powers are manifested is known as conflict-situation (Rummel, 1976). This study showed that conflict arises …show more content…

Moreover, this exposed that levels of conflict are based on opposition of things. Thus, this explained that conflict is just a possibility if there are no inequality of dispositions and manifestation of powers.
Hierarchical class as discussed by Karl Marx is where people in community is divided into different levels of powers, susceptibilities and wealth. Thus, this division causes the conflicts and class struggle of the community. However, this class struggle is relevant to the world’s situation and is undoubtedly present in the Philippines. This class struggle shows that the workers and peasants have less benefits which gives the extraordinary complications and poverties in their lives. In a blog posted in the internet by Annis (2012), it discussed the testament of the Movement for the National Democracy leader, Pete Pinlac of the MAKABAYAN labour and political center in the Philippines spoke at a public forum hosted by the
Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC). Likewise, this exposed that the economic and political situation in the Philippines is splendid. However, this explained that the economic crisis of the world has been affected the country rigidly. Moreover, this portrays the excessive difficulties of