Mary Wollstonecraft Contribution To Feminism

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Wollstonecraft 's contribution to the philosophy of feminism, the book is called A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), in which she takes the philosophies of the Enlightenment to task, especially Rousseau, for often misusing their vaunted Reason. She also had many other complaints:
Wollstonecraft decries the “brainwashing” of women of her day, forcing them to fit into a social structure with no room for independence. Wollstonecraft advocates that the education of women should be to a degree equal to that of the men.
Wollstonecraft express grief and sadness of the state of “spinsters,” the pejorative or worsen term for women, who for whatever the reason, the women never married.
Wollstonecraft acknowledges that men are for the most part physically stronger than women, but Wollstonecraft argues that women have evolved beyond caveman ethics.
Wollstonecraft advices earnestly, to urge women to stop trying to please men,
Wollstonecraft laments or expresses grief, sadness to the obsession with youth.
Wollstonecraft attacks the double standard where the man can be the playboy.
Mary Wollstonecraft …show more content…

Liberal feminists argue that our society holds the false belief that women are, by nature, less intelligent and physically incapable than men. It tends to discriminate women in the academy, the political forum, and the market place. Liberal feminists believe that women’s subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints. Such constraints block the women’s progress and success in the public world. Liberal feminist aims to show that as a human being the capacities of man and women are equal and it fights for the political, legal and economic equality for women. Liberal Feminism is rich with content concerning the unjust and oppressive nature of patriarchy and gender