
Mathematics In Agricultural Education

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Introduction Mathematics is not only considered as important in its own right as a field of study and research, but also essential to almost every field of intellectual endeavor (Yusuf, 2009). Mathematics is one of the most useful subjects for study because of its ramifications in the activities of man (Okeke, 2008). Mathematics is the chief source of most scientific discoveries and inventions; any nation that does not take great interest and precautions in studying it remain underdeveloped. Mathematic knowledge is widely applied in the study of sciences, for instance it is used in setting up scientific models or formulae, solving scientific problems and presenting scientific ideas. An application of mobile ICT is in the area of Telemedicine …show more content…

In the field of agriculture education, agricultural economic and agricultural sciences, Mathematics is needed for estimation and regression analysis for preparing farm records and management. Most research findings in the natural sciences, management sciences, social sciences, education and arts are based on statistics which is an aspect of Mathematics. In fact, the importance of Mathematics to life activities, national growth and development cannot be overemphasized. However, the emphasis entails us that effective teaching of Mathematics at all levels of education; especially the primary school should not be neglected. This is to enable individuals understand its basic concepts and fit in all ventures and trades of human endeavour. It is good to note that the Nigerian education system is divided into different structures, the basic education, secondary education and higher education. The basic education which is made up of both primary and adult education is probably the most important of the three educational levels. This is because it prepares individual for basic or fundamental knowledge. Specifically primary education makes adequate provisions for optimum development of individual’s mental, physical and intellectual ability to adapt to changing …show more content…

It is a preparatory ground where the background knowledge is rooted and built up for other academic endeavour. This is the reason why the Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013), in her National Policy on Education stated that, primary education is the foundation upon which the rest of the educational system is built. This type of education is given to children at age range of six to twelve years. The objectives of primary education among others, is inculcation of permanent literacy and numeracy, laying of foundation for national development. Giving the child opportunities for developing manipulative and scientific skills that will enable him function effectively in the society (FRN, 2013). One can see that there is serious need to teach Mathematics effectively in primary schools for a solid foundation for further

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