Maui Character Analysis

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Dwayne Johnson, how was it like playing the character of Maui in the movie Moana?

Well, I got to say there was some difficulties voicing Maui but other than that it was pretty good.

Why were the difficulties that occurred when voicing Maui?

The difficulties were picking the right emotion to what Maui says in the movie. Another was that when different scenes are played I would mess my lines up and we 'd start all over again from the beginning. Also, knowing how to sing the lyrics of a song correctly.

Did you like being Maui or was there another character in the movie you wished to play?

Yes, I loved being the character of Maui. Maui and I have things in common, I would say we 're the same person. We both are pacific islanders, have crazy tribal tattoos, also we like getting attention from our fans. I 'd also wouldn 't play any other character because I wouldn 't be able to relate to them. Maui and I have been the same person since I acted for the role. If I were to play a different character, it wouldn 't be like I was playing myself.

How was it like having to work with Auli 'I Cravalho, also known as the character of Moana?

She 's absolutely an amazing co-star. During the making of the movie I would say we 've become the best of friends. Auli 'I being Moana is perfect, because she has it in her as if she 's actually in the movie. She helps others to be proud of who they are. I just love being around her positive influences.

How would you describe who Maui is and what