
Max Weber And Emile Durkheim Analysis

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The classical methodologies considering the sociology of work can best be understood through the ideas of ‘the gang of three’: Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emilie Durkheim. Marx and Weber are commonly referred to as conflict theorists. They implied that any social order involved conflicting interests, and as a consequence, that conflict between groups was a fundamental part of each and every society. Yet, Durkheim’s ideas start with a very dissimilar premise, known as functionalism. In particular, one of Marx’s most recognised concepts is the notion of exploitation within capitalism. Although Durkheim saw industrialism as an opportunity, Marx’s animosity towards the bourgeoisie capitalising off of working-class labour, otherwise known as exploitation, was one of his most fervent concepts. Consequently, the industrial revolution manifested in more concentrated tasks for the working-class. This specialization evoked key ideas among all three theorists regarding its influence on society such as Weber’s concept on bureaucracy, Durkheim’s on anomie, and ultimately Marx’s on alienation. Additionally, Marx and Weber touched base on capitalists and the labour movement. In any event, Karl Marx had the most convincing perspectives and was who I believe to be, the most effectual theorist in relation to understanding the sociology of work.

Social Fragmentation and Exploitation

Two key concepts that greatly contrast one another includes Marx’s conflictual, yet realistic
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