Mayan Pyramids Research Paper

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Most people always wonder how the world was like in the past. Today, ancient structures and temples tell archeologists some information about past civilizations. A prime example of this are the Mayan pyramids and Egyptian pyramids; these structures both have their differences and similarities. Mayan pyramids are found in Central America (“Visiting” 45). Most Mayan pyramids are step structures reaching a total of 365 steps (“El Castillo” Infographic 47). In addition to the pyramid’s appearance, the Mayan pyramids served a purpose as they “functioned as temples” as well as other religious aspects (“Visiting” 45). The Maya built their temples like a charm; they constructed most pyramids in a giant stair fashion and were “positioned… to note important points in the calendar…” (45). The Maya sometimes built a pyramid on top of an older one, therefore some pyramids have been undiscovered and may never be “rediscovered” (46). The Maya built a true archaeological site, in which even today takes the breath away of people who visit the ruins. …show more content…

The pyramids serve as a place to store the bodies of the pharaoh and to help them achieve the afterlife. Researchers assume that these magnificent structure were built with simple laborers hauling heavy pieces of stone up a ramp and using simple tools to define the shape (“Great Pyramid” Data 44). The Great Pyramid of Giza is as tall as the Statue of Liberty, standing at a total height of 481 feet (44). The pyramids are made up of slabs of solid stone and gleaming limestone “placed so perfectly that even today it is not possible to squeeze a knife blade between them” (44). These pyramids are so unique that they are “one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that remains…” (Gustafson 43). It truly is fascinating what the Egyptians built and how long the world has been astonished by their