Me As A Leader In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Me As Your Leader “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” Quoted by John C. Maxwell an American author, speaker, and pastor, who’s written many books about leadership. Eva is a futuristic novel written by Charles Dickinson which is about a young girl whose world is overpopulated by humans, she becomes badly injured, and the only way the doctors could save her was by transplanting her brain neurons into a chimp’s brain. She decides to help the chimps escape from being future tests subjects; Eva must earn their trust to be able to bring them to one of the last remaining jungles. Likewise to the book Animal Farm by George Orwell, shows leadership through knowledge as two pigs fight for full power over Animal Farm, …show more content…

After Shackleton made it to the whaling station and got help, his very next mission was to save the crew that he had left behind on Elephant Island even after trying and failing so many times just to return to that island, but he couldn’t rest till they were safe. As Shackleton had found Captain Sørlle, and had been give food, baths, and an actual place to sleep he was interviewed and said, “The thought of those fellows on Elephant Island kept us going all the time… But if you’re a leader, a fellow that other fellows look up to, you’ve got to keep going. That was the thought which sailed us through the hurricane and tugged us up and down those mountains and when we got to the whaling station, it was the thought of those comrades which made us so mad with joy that the reaction beats all effort to describe it. We didn’t so much feel that we were safe as that they were saved. (Armstrong 116). Shackleton was finally rescued and given an actual place to sleep and food to eat but he still didn’t feel as though he was actually rescued until the others were there with him. Furthermore when Shackleton had abandoned his main goal of crossing Antarctica he immediately had a new one which was to bring the whole crew back to safety and get them through the hard time and keeping them together all with his amazing leadership skills. shackleton didn’t care about crossing the continent and completing his personal goal, until he knew his crew was safe from danger and got them through it, which is exactly what I plan to do with I as your