Meal Prep Success Essay

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Meal Prep Success Part 1: The Essentials
By Julia Hale | Submitted On April 04, 2016

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Expert Author Julia Hale
Part 1: Meal Prep Essentials

Plan to Portion

Studies show that people are notoriously poor at estimating portion sizes. So instead of guessing, make it easy on yourself. Purchase tupperware and portion your meals ahead of time.

Invest in some reusable containers that are dishwasher ad microwave safe and …show more content…

Sit down and take a look at your next few days.

Will you need to pack lunches to eat at work?

Do you have to eat breakfast on the run during the week in order to get to work on time?

Do you want to have dinner prepped for Tuesday night because you know you'll be late getting home?

How many healthy snacks do you plan on packing each day?

Write down which meals you'll need to prep for, snacks included, so you can start to create a grocery list.

Grocery Games

Write your grocery list and stick to it. By now you've planned how many meals you are going to prep for. Write down exactly what you'll need.

Stick to your list. You'll find that you can spend less money, have less food waste and bring home less junk food by sticking to your list.

Grocery Tip 1: Don't be scared to ask for exactly what you want. Most grocery stores have butchers and seafood mongers that can cut you whatever portion size you need.
Grocery Tip 2: Be prepared with a back-up plan. If you go to the store looking for salmon and they're out, know that you can substitute tuna, halibut or cod.
Grocery Tip 3: Buy in bulk. Don't buy one portion of chicken. Buy three and cook them all. You can have chicken tacos on Monday for dinner, grilled chicken on your salad on Tuesday and a chicken quesadilla on Wednesday night with the