Marxism And Pluralism Analysis

1418 Words6 Pages

Callum Foley

In this assignment the topics of both Marxism and pluralism will be discussed along with Media Concentration with other terms that are related to the subject at hand in a way that answers the question of "A large amount of power falls into the hands of small number of organisations." So, those are the things are which this assignment will hopefully cover to the best.

Media Concentration is when the decrease of individuals and organizations own media outlets and "effectively concentrating the ownership of multiple organizations into the control of very few entities." (wiseGEEK, 2018) A example of Media …show more content…

It 's recognised as being both political philosophy and sociology, it attempts to remain scientific, systematic and its objective rather than normative and prescriptive. Marx suggested that the media is used as a tool by the bourgeoisie an example of this is when The Sun who openly supported the Conservatives during Margaret Thatcher 's reign as Prime Minister switched sides when the New Labour came around, The Sun supported them during the 1997, 2001 and 2005 elections and during the elections it was in fact Tony Blair leader of the labour party who had won all the elections stated. However, The Sun switched back to Conservatives in 2009 after supporting the Labour Party for 12 years. The following year David Cameron the then leader of the Conservative Party won the election so Marx is very much right when he says that the media is a tool by the bigger powers the support of newspapers like The Sun and The Times had a big impact during those crucial General Elections by expressing their political views onto their readers swayed people for 12 years to support the Labour Party and then the Conservatives when they switched back to them. The owner of The Sun and The Times is Rupert Murdoch who owns a number of Newspaper and Television companies like News Corp, The Sun, 21st Century Fox, The Times and The Wall Street Journal just to name a few. With owning all these numerous amounts of Television and Newspaper …show more content…

The owners of the media do not directly control what is put out in the media. An example of pluralism in a workplace would be any new and different kind of working methods, procedures, models or anything that improves productivity and work rate and people who support this idea of pluralism were a couple of writers named Frederic W. Maitland and Harold J. Laski. So, whatever the audience wants to watch they ultimately decide what they get on the Television or in the newspaper. Another view of pluralism is that "there’s no dominant class but competing social groups" (sociologytwynham, 2018) what this is implying is that there 's separate groups all competing for something and it 's not just one big group dominating everything. For example, if the audience wants to watch EastEnders on a Monday night then they ultimately decide if they want to watch it and if a story that’s posted in a newspaper is appealing or not then the mass audience has the power to read it or not. It is believed that "Different media has different amounts of influence." (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 1955) So, like Marxism its similar in the sense that if an owner who owns a media company they have the control of what gets to be put out and viewed by the mass audience laying their political or non-political beliefs. One