Media Influence On American Values Essay

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In the modern society, surrounded by plenty of electric devices, a growing number of people use media as a main pathway to get intense stream of information, facts, data and news from outside. However, with the information explosion era, tons of information is imported to our brain during a short time so people have little awareness about the powerful influence people get from media that shapes our worldview, which is what we need to discuss here. After searching online and read some published books and journals, there are several main aspects about how media affect people’s behaviors and how the media shapes contemporary American value as a whole.
One form of media is called advertisement, which is the culprit of shopping fever. On the one hand, due to this form of media existing everywhere, people are more addicted to buying products than they actually realize. On the other hand, we could say, there is a kind of discretionary (or nonessential) consumerism existing now.
As we all know, there are tons of shopping malls in America because of the high national productivity. Initially, their existences are to improve average life quality for the whole country, to make …show more content…

American people are used to enjoy a materialistic life which must be supported by abundant products. On the one hand, due to the main stream of consumption called by advertisers, in order to make more profits, factories produce too much more than this society is able to consume. On the other hand, since it is so convenient to buy a new one rather using the old one, people buy things more than they really need. As a result, people are forced to waste in order to consume. Obviously, some of them will finally become garbage. Every year, New York produce 3.2 million tons of garbage. Some of them are food rubbish which cannot be recycled at all. But, over 30% of them are organic materials such as Halloween decoration that are not fully used before threw