Media's Damaging Depictions Of Mental Illness Summary

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In Margarita Tartakovosky’s “Media’s Damaging Depictions of Mental Illness”, she unveils the mysteries behind media attention toward mental illnesses and how this affects prejudice or stereotypes. In an analysis of this article, Tartakovosky adequately describes many myths that the media tend to persuade people into considering. One of the more intriguing myths is based on how some people believe that physicians have a devilish way of treating their patients. Many of these accusations are based on many fictional characters in movies such as Dr.Evil. I find it hard to believe that adults actually believe that actions done by a fictional character in a horror movie can transition to real life. I understand that there are rare exceptions when a physician may be mistreating patients, but this myth took me by storm. …show more content…

Tartakovosky also points out several ways in which to overcome these myths. In addition, she states that the media needs to show how people with mental illnesses can eventually get better. My arguments for this claim should justify by agendas. Many news stations follow political and economic agendas to appeal to its audience. They initially pick stories that will bring attention toward anyone watching. News stations will not bother with a story about someone recovering from a mental illness. In reality, the media will continue to spread stories that may defame the names of many mentally sick people. People need to educate themselves on these disorders (not diseases) to know what is right and wrong and to properly acknowledge these “mentally sick people” as normal human beings. History needs not to repeat itself. We must refer to these people like many did when asylums existed. They are no different than me and

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