Mental Illness In America Essay

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Lisette Anthony once said, “ Mental illness leaves a huge legacy, not just of the person suffering it but for those around them. According to the World Health Organization over 450 million people around the world suffer from a mental illness. Those that suffer from a mental illness face many complications because of Anosognosia, stigma from society, and the negative impact they have on society and themselves if they are not administered correct medical attention. Anosognosia is an inability or refusal to recognize a defect or disorder. Although not every person diagnosed with a mental illness suffer from Anosognosia, it is prominently seen in those diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 50% of people with Schizophrenia and 40% of people with Bipolar Disorder suffer from Anosognosia. Because …show more content…

During the 1840s in America, the mentally ill were seen as animals and were sent to institutions where they were treated like animals. Society shamed them for not being “Normal” and sent them to live the rest of their lives in seclusion. although there has been progress in the research and medical advances for mental illness in America, stigma towards the mentally ill is still prominent around the world. BBC News has reported on the inhumane treatment of the mentally ill in Guatemala. In one “hospital”, there were no medical advisors,only guards and the patients’ hands were bound to their iron beds. Sadly, there has not been much change for these patients, but with the documentation and spread of these horrific stories society will be better informed on how they can help. With more people speaking out on mental illness, society can gain knowledge and stigma can be decreased. Because of the lack of proper medical assistance, the mentally ill can have an unfavorable impact on