Media's Effect On Self-Stereotypes

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Has anyone ever felt self-conscience about them self? What the media says is “pretty” does not help how we feel about ourselves. Everyone has that small thing they wish they could change about themselves whether it is physically or mentally. The little girl in the picture is holding the scissors on her stomach portraying that she wants to cut off the extra skin, while staring at a picture of a tall and skinny model and sitting on many more pictures of models, which makes her think that you have to look like that to be pretty. What society says is “pretty” has a large effect on young girls that notice changes in their bodies and are starting to find themselves, which could affect how they feel about themselves the rest of their lives. The first thing I notice when I look at this picture is the scissors the little girl is holding. She is holding the scissors to her stomach with her skin in her other hand portraying that she wants to cut off the little bit of extra skin she has. She feels this way because she is looking at the picture of the model that has not one ounce of fat on her. This makes me sick because no child should ever even think about doing this to them self. Most of the pictures on …show more content…

Her hair is very long, could easily be past her bottom, but is hard to tell by how she is sitting. A lot of models and people in general get fake hair extensions to make their hair longer. People may choose to do whatever they would like to themselves to make them feel pretty but considering they cost around two-hundred to five-hundred dollars, it is ridiculous that spend this kind of money just to make themselves feel better. This young girls hair is naturally this long which should make her feel confident that others dream to have hair that long. People have features that others would die to have and this should help them feel confident because they have the feature that others want, which makes everyone unique in their own