Media's Influence On The Civil Rights Movement

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The media had a valuable role when it came to the civil rights movement. It began in the 1950’s and 1960’s when the media played an important role in the civil rights movement. The media really took off when television sky rocketed in the 1960’s. It was television that showed the nation the struggle for civil right groups to gain equal rights for blacks and put an end to segregation. The media sought the South to gain attention nationwide. Civil rights groups, Representatives, The President, and local racial crimes and brutalities that the South was creating was highlighted in the media’s eye. All types of media was an important role in the Civil Rights Movement, but I have to say that television was the most influential piece of the puzzle to open the eyes of others. In the 1950’s and 1960’s television showed the world civil rights groups being assaulted by police with their clubs which is where the media focused their news on and how they played a critical importance in the movement. Civil rights marcher’s skilled different ways to in a way highlight the brutality going on to themselves and blacks. Which got noticed by the northern parts of the United States and gained their compassion to …show more content…

It was in the 1940’s when citizens had only 3 networks and they all commenced in New York. It was not till 1952 that television news can show the nation the Democratic and Republican conventions live. By 1969, 44 million households owned one television set in the United States. By 1970, 96 percent of citizens owned a TV, almost 20 percent more within a little over a decade. Television become top source of news nationwide. Which is how imagines of civil rights groups getting attacked by police was broadcasted. Coverage of the March on Washington, Martin Luther King, civil rights movement, really intensified the issues that for so many years could not be shown to the