
Medical Diagnosis And Pathology: A Case Study

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We live in a body that is always changing and despite how hard we try to maintain it, sometimes it can turn on us with sickness and diseases. The body is beautifully and wonderfully made but in a blink of an eye it can change because of many contributing factors, for example, the environment, genetics and food that we consume. The body can sometimes put up a fight and sometimes sickness and diseases wins. Despite it all, the body is very resilient and has won many battles and keep fighting to win many more to come. This paper will include the medical diagnosis, pathophysiology, risk factors, sociocultural influences, diagnostic test, clinical manifestations, medical treatment and nursing care and will be explained in details. Primary Medical Diagnosis and Pathophysiology Mr. J.R is a fifty-five-old man with multiple diagnosis, diabetes …show more content…

The systemic symptoms at first may overshadow the local signs. As the infection extends through the cortex of the bone, it involves the periosteum and the soft tissues. The infected area becomes painful, swollen, and extremely tender. The patient may describe a constant, pulsation pain that intensifies with movement because of the pressure of the collecting pus. When osteomyelitis occurs from spread of adjacent infection or from direct contamination, there are no symptoms of septicemia. The area is swollen, warm, painful, and tender to touch. The patient with chronic osteomyelitis presents with a continuously draining sinus or experiences recurrent periods of pain, inflammation, swelling, and drainage. The low-grade infection thrives in scar tissue, because it has a reduced blood supply (Pellico, pg. 1105). Mr. J.R showed the following clinical manifestation: infection of right second toe, fever or chills, extreme tenderness, swelling, warmth, and redness over the area of the

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