Medical Negligence Case Studies

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Background: Negligence is defined as doing something which reasonably competent people not suppose to do or not doing something which reasonably competent persons suppose to do.
Materials and methods: Present study was undertaken with aim to assess knowledge and awareness of general population towards medical negligence at Valsad. Total 100 people from general population were subjected to pre-tested and pre-validated questionnaire related to medical negligence after obtaining their informed written consent. Questionnaire contain 10 questions related to medical negligence with responses based on Likert’s scale varied from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Responses obtained were tabulated in MS Excel sheet and analyzed via SPSS software. …show more content…

The healthcare worker should take reasonably practicable steps to maintain a safe environment for patients and staff in which patients can be offered treatment in accordance with the duty of care that is owed to them [9, 10]. If violence or aggression cannot be controlled due to incidence of negligence health care provider as well as general population must maintain their dignity and show humanism. The statutory duty of care is high and breach leads to a potential malpractice case. Health care professionals and health services must work together to develop strategies to prevent and manage the risk of occupational violence. …show more content…

in Indore [14]. Written records, including medical history, chart notes, radiographs, and photographs must be meticulous, and it is necessary for the documents to be signed and dated. Good number of participants in this study have knowledge of informed consent and this is in accordance with the study carried by Heywood R. in 2007 [15]. Consent requires that patient fully understand the information given, but if the patient is debilitated due to a serious illness/mental condition, a suitable surrogate should make decisions

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