
Medicare Part B Case Study

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Which under the current design addresses long- term care for a limited amount of time, such as for rehabilitation purposes. These services cannot be received outside of a Medicare-approved facility, which means the person cannot reside in their home and receive the long-term care assistance under the current system. Therefore, we propose to amend this portion of the program to extend the funding for long-term care to include home care. Which consist of the relatives receiving monetary compensation for their care. Under the current policy, 41% of the Medicare budget of $50,000,000,000 is being advocated this particular area. We propose taking 8% of this budget and applying it towards long term home based care. Moreover, we are advocating for home based funds to be obtained by amending Medicare part B, which under the current policy only covers extended care in a Medicare-approved establishment. We do not propose totally doing away with the present system because our policy does recognize the need for these facilities to continue to meet individual needs that cannot be met in a home based environment. The proposal adds the additional component of supplemental income for a home-based long-term care of, which covers …show more content…

An expansion of Medicare part B to encompass home- based facilities would allow for financial relief in the Medicaid sector, which currently foots the bill for almost half of low-income elderly and disabled individuals. Congress could benefit by implementing funding for these homes because it reduces the current cost required to staff and equip traditional long-term care facilities. The proposal for Medicare reform to finance home-based long-term care institutions has many benefits. It provides long-term care in familiar environments, allows patient to maintain a sense of autonomy, and provides affordable housing for the elderly low- income population, who qualify for Medicare and meet the financial requirements. It considers the need for current facilities by funding both. To keep cost down our proposal requires the existing budget to distribute 8% of its current41% funding for long-term care to encompass supplemental income for home-based care. As well the recipients are allowed to maintain their assets and maintain SSI income, which further reduces the government 's financial obligations, Furthermore supplementing income allows caregivers to maintain autonomy themselves and offering …show more content…

Caregivers: Must take required training classes, provide a private room, closet, dresser, nightstand, and reading light. A home must meet all safety standards required by the city and Medicaid, attend to patients personal hygiene assisted or unassisted care, and provide three healthy meals and one snack. Document all accidents, hygiene regimens, and medication intake. There must be a land line in the home accessible to the patients, see the patients going to doctor appointments, and therapy. Caregivers must provide activities, conducive to the patient in or out of the home twice a week (patient can opt out) must be documented. Patients clothes are laundered, the caregivers are required respect the patient 's religious practices, and no felon or person convicted of violent crime, sexual assault or battery is allowed to care for or be around the patients in any

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