Medieval Times: Similarities Between The Middle Ages And Today

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The Middle Ages, or “Medieval” times, is apart of European history that was first discovered by italian scholars. The medieval period ranged from the fifth to fifteenth century. This was a society of civilization and art. This society was one of castles, knights, and legends. Medieval times had many different types of citizens. Starting at the top was Royalty, these are the people who ruled the land, lived in castles, and were in position to make the laws for the people to abide by. Another type of citizen was knights. Knights were noble soldiers whose primary duty were to aid and protect the lord in his army. The lowest of society was peasants. These were people who had no rights and very little money. Most were struggling to make it day to day. Popes, bishops, monks, and priests, fell under the spiritual community. They were all religious leaders and were valued highly in society as holy, selfless men. The people of the medieval society were different in many ways and came from various walks of life, …show more content…

Most people ,in society today, work. Everyone does their part by contributing to society and making it a little easier by everyone joining in. Society back then was much different, not everyone had a job, and the ones who did were forced to do basically everything. Royals were served hand and foot. They had no job and no need to worry for their next meal. The noble knights had the job of protecting the king and his land. The religious leaders of society were married to what they believed in. Their job was to bring people to religion. They believed that the lord, or whatever they believed in, would provide. The lowest of the job class was peasants. Peasants were forced to do the dirty work. They did anything and everything that needed to be done , from planting and harvesting, to trimming the king's lawn. Most of the things they did were for free or very little. They struggled to