Redefining Slut Essay

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Redefining Slut

People have longed to explore different aspects of their life without having restrictions. Living in a world free of judgement, bias and stereotypes regardless of gender is far-fetched but it is not impossible. The ideals society has for men and women have been deeply ingrained and rooted in our culture that is it almost invisible until encountered. No one is immune to prejudices but believing, fostering and magnifying them are obstacles to be tackled as they cultivate toxic and harmful messages that perpetuate distorted values. It may take time to alter the many perceived notions of men and women in society but by fighting for equality, it demands the collective effort of both sexes. By challenging boundaries …show more content…

Women are sluts for having too many partners and a prude if they have too little or none. They are labelled as skanks, ho, whore, bitch and other negative terms if they are too forward or aggressive. It triggers self-deprecating behaviours that taint one’s confidence. At a tender age, young girls are worried about their physical appearance and sexual identities. They are expected to be sexually alluring so when she comes forward to report a rape crime; it shifts the blame from the molester or rapist to the victim because “she was asking for it”. This judgment deeply burrowed in our morals offer little possibilities for change because it implies that sex is commodity; a substance that can be given, bought, sold or stolen that has a value and supply and demand curve. Women are regarded as the seller, guardian and gatekeepers because men will try to get it. However, a woman has nothing to lose when she engages in sexual activity because why lose something that was freely given? The measure of the ethics of sluts are not by the number of their partners but by the respect and care with which they treat them. Baseball is the dominant cultural metaphor when people refer to sex. The “pitcher” and “catcher” is the person receiving or doing the act, “first, second, third base” are the gradual process that leads to the sexual act and “score” or …show more content…

From a young age, boys are taught how to fix and build while girl are taught how to cook, sew and keep the house clean. There are gender roles that imply that women are submissive and men are dominant. In the Hebrew’s Adam and Eve story, the woman was born from a part of Adam’s rib to serve as his companion. The rise of feminism paved the way for women to reclaim the repressed values society has emphasized that their sole purpose is to fulfill a man’s preference. They cannot make their own history without the presence of a man. The advocacy of women’s rights serve as a voice for many who have been socialized to be ignorant and easily swayed by society. They have the right to make their own choices through sexual liberation or empowerment; debunking the role of being