Mental Illness And Murder Research Paper

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Mental illness and murder
Mental illness and murder It is a common scene that people would get a punishment for legal things they have done, specially for serious crimes like murder, sometimes people would pay for their lives. Then what should we do to punish those people have done crimes because their mental disorder? My opinion is they should get the punishment like normal people.
There are lots people with mental illness in this world. For example, schizophrenia is a mental illness happening a lot around our lives. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. April 01, 2015. Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects approximately 3.2 million Americans and 1.1% of the world’s population. The common symptoms of this disorder are hearing voices …show more content…

Profile of Serial Killer Richard Angelo Angel of Death. harles Montaldo. December 15, 2014. Richard Angelo was 26 years old when he went to work at Good Samaritan Hospital on Long Island in New York as a doctor. He is known as a hero because his hard-working and talents in his job. To make his life more “fun”, Angelo came up with a idea where he would inject drugs into patients at the hospital, bringing them to a near-death state. He would then show his heroic capabilities by helping to save his victims, impressing both co-workers and the patients with his expertise. For many, Angelo's plan fell deathly short, and several patients died before he was able to intervene and save them from his deadly injections. Soon after the drug he given to them, the patients would begin to feel numb and their breathing would become weak that they cannot even call nurses and doctors to help. As a doctor it is his job to help and save people, not killing people, what he have done not just against the guideline for doctors, but also is a behave lose morality. It is murder what he haven done, and he deserves punishments. His lawyers tries to use disassociate identity disorder as the excuse, which meant when …show more content…

The Insanity Defense: History and Background 2014, Thomson Reuters. The insanity defense asserts that a criminal defendant should not be found guilty due to the defendant's insanity. What people is trying to say is that a person who is insane lacks the intent required to perform a criminal act because the person either does not know that the act is wrong or cannot control his or her actions even when the person understands that the act is wrong. This theory is controversial because insanity it is difficult to define, and the circumstances in which insanity can be used to excuse criminal responsibility are difficult to

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