Mental Illness In Social Work

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Have you ever been curious about social work? Specifically mental illness in social work? I have always been interested in working in some field that worked with mental illness. I’m very curious to see how others’ brain’s tick, and see what’s wrong or what’s going on. I had very many questions for anyone who would answer them about working with the mentally ill as a social worker. Angela Brumfield is a social worker, although not working in the specific field of social work currently. She her degree at Southwest Missouri State, and received a BSW, that is currently the only degree she has. Thankfully Angela Brumfield let me interview her, my main questions were about the after college, the workplace, and the patients. I asked Angela about her time after college, and what it was like to find a job. I imagined that …show more content…

I asked Angela about the kinds of treatment they have for depression. Angela stated that “a patient with depression that we would see has major depression and it is very individualized treatment. They were hooked up with a psychiatrist, hospitalized, are taken to appointments and watched for suicide.” (Brumfield). They go through a lot to see their patients happy and make sure they are in good care. They even make sure to sit with their clients at the appointments, if that’s what the clients want. People may believe that the most common mental illness that you would see is depression, but that’s wrong for Angela. Angela Brumfield has seen more of Schizophrenia than any other mental illness. “The most common out of Schizophrenia is Schizoaffective and Bipolar. Most believe that they are depressed but have a deeper illness.” (Brumfield). The behavior of depression is usually what you’d expect. “Those with depression are hard to read, are self-aware, and suicidal”. Working in a facility sounds very depressing, trying to help people with these problems every day, but everything is worth