Mental Illness In Urban Neighbourhoods

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Social and physical disorder in urban neighbourhoods can, if neglected, lead to serious depression. The social distribution of stress with individuals of lower socioeconomic status tends to reside in impoverished neighbourhoods. In Hamilton, Ontario, a McMaster University study found that there is a 21-year difference in life expectancy between the wealthiest and poorest residents. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it ensures the ability to provide proper food to eat, access to health care, and a safe place to live and raise a family. Lack of access to proper health care, food, and poor living conditions, due to low income, put these individuals are at risk for mental and physical health problems. In the 2011 United States Census, It was found that 31% of individuals living below the poverty line reported feelings of depression, while only 15.8% of individuals not in poverty reported these …show more content…

Vandalism, rubbish, criminal activity, drug use, and vacant lots and buildings all contribute to the social and physical disorder of a neighbourhood. As Winston Churchill once said, “ we give shape to our buildings, and they in turn shape us.” Many impoverished neighbourhoods contain abandoned buildings and lots and countless neglected homes under physical decay (latkin 2003). Studies have found correlations between the physical structures of buildings with both perceived criminal activity and actual crime rates (cohen 2003)(latkin, 2003). The exterior physical structure of a building provides the community and potential criminals with a cue to the type of activities committed there (cohen 2003). Abandoned buildings give the impression of an isolated place to commit crimes like the buying, selling and using of drugs as well as portrays the lack of social structure and surveillance in that community (cohen