Meta-Analysis Essay

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In a meta-analysis (Uttal et al., 2013) from shooter video games increase spatial skills which is also apart of the motivational benefits is the ability to understand problems involving shapes, forms, and physical spaces. Spatial skills can especially be useful towards education, because according to a 25-year longitudinal study with a US representative which established the power of spatial skills in predicting achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These skills can also help with developing problem solving skills in all types of video games including games with violent content. This can help young children with real life situations when they enter adulthood. Cognitive benefits increase creativity, especially in children …show more content…

Video games can be a life experience for children such as inspiration, relation, and learning. There are many obstacles and challenges in video games whether it’s trying to succeed in a Pokémon battle, reaching the flag pole in Super Mario Bros, or trying to solve a puzzle in the dungeons of The Legend of Zelda, “video games use failure as motivational tools” (Granic, Lobel, & Rutger 71). These video game experiences of course lead to disappointment when you don’t get any further to beating the game or the two words “Game over” appearing on the screen, but if the gamers are very motivated, it only encourages them to get back in the game which will eventually lead to success. Even though it’s true that many children tend to overreact when experiencing failure that can lead to negative attitudes, but unfortunately it’s just a part of life. Instead of gamers feeling negative emotions, “players respond to failures with excitement, interest, and joy” (Shalminen & Ravaja, 2008), just as true gamers