Meta Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Study

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The Feelings and Friends program is a 10-week program outlined in the article; it incorporated social-emotional, cognitive, and behavioral strategies. For Jane, a shorter face-to-face treatment therapy plan is ideal seeing that her anxiety symptoms are moderate and not as serve, probably lasting between 10-15 sessions, it really just depends on the course and progression of the treatment in relation to her disorder. Commonly, cognitive behavioral therapy usually last 15 or less and the effectiveness of the sessions are the main component of the treatment plan. Since her anxiety is somewhat related to the course of her schooling, the dynamic of intervention therapy, can be less of the typical cognitive behavioral therapy approach. Typically …show more content…

Meta cognition will assist is analyzing the cause of her thought; such as thinking about her relationship with her once controlling parents or why she thinks her boyfriend will break up with her. Starting by identifying irrational and illogical beliefs that are toxic to her functioning, discussing or activating specific events in her past or present that are the cause of worrying. Giving Jane an environment that allows for a free expression of any thoughts or feeling, so that she is able to engage in accepting her mental processes. Awareness and acceptance are important in treating unpleasant thoughts that cause an individual stress. When an individual continuously avoids and negatively self evaluates, they can become irritable and easily distracted. It is natural that she will avoid certain thoughts based on the intensity of the feelings; however after a few session and structures lessons , it is assumed that she will begin to develop individual behavioral strategies like problem solving, that help her cope with these thoughts, and she will being to avoid them less. For example, when she gets nervous about taking a test or doing an assignment, she should go for a walk or