Metamagical Themas Analysis

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Another subtle clue is found in Professor Brand’s office, where you can barely make out a copy of AI specialist Douglas Hofstadter’s Metamagical Themas. Hofstadter’s work focuses on strangeloops and Kurt Godel, and soon after we see this, an older Murphy (Jessica Chastain) hints at Godel by saying the models Professor Brand uses can never work because they are self-referencing! In other words, perceptive readers are supposed to make the connection that the type of strangeloop Hofstadter discusses demonstrates that humans can’t solve the equation because they are within time and space – but an advanced AI might! Yet even still, an advanced AI is caught in an infinite strangeloop without a bridge to a finite point in space and time. Here is where the human element …show more content…

This is why Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway) is right in her feeling of which planet to choose and why Murphy is right about her feeling that more was at work with her bedroom than gravity, and why love is the key. Time and space are cyclical, like a sphere, and the only means by which it might be transcended is a Tesseract, and the only conceivable way such a state might be created is an advanced computer/human hybrid possessing the full capabilities of human masculinity/femininity and a formal, platonic AI. The future AI men are also who placed the wormhole where it was. This interpretation also explains why Cooper resuscitates the damaged TARS on Cooper Station – we are supposed to connect the human “Lazarus” project with the resurrecting of the AI. Consistently throughout the film, the AI are treated as alive, and that is the key to grasping this point. For Nolan, the key to transcending death, the last enemy referenced in the Dylan Thomas poem, is the “Lazarus Project” – the singularity merger of human and