Comparing Descartes In Husserl And Heidegger's

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Descartes philosophy on Methodic Doubt and his theory on beings stands as the foundations to Husserl and Heidegger 's phenomenology 's, they are taken by Descartes philosophy in a positive but yet critical way, we find Descartes to have a standing position in each of these philosophers ' phenomenology 's. In this essay, I will discuss Descartes standing in the phenomenological works Husserl and Heidegger by examining where within their work did they get influenced by Descartes as well as examining the role Descartes played in their work.
Rene Descartes was a Rationalist believing that all knowledge is based on reason. He came to the acknowledgement that all the beliefs he thought to be true, were true on the basis that their truth came …show more content…

Husserl corrected this mistake of Descartes as he believed that Descartes was just assuming things, he introduced the epoche as a method whereby one has to suspend all their prejudgements and prejudices (dislike or preference for a particular group). This reinforces Descartes position in Husserl 's phenomenology as Husserl 's derived the epoche in order to correct and re-establish what Descartes misinterpreted, thus, Descartes standing or position in this phenomenology is of influence and the originality of his own idea to be changed and rediscovered as something …show more content…

Husserl uses this reasonable claim by rejecting it in his phenomenology by showing us that the existence of the external world which exists beyond our knowledge and beliefs about it is doubtful, as the external world for a realist would still exist if even if there was no one to experience it, Husserl 's points out that there are little characteristics of realism that inform us on which entities belong to the real world. This puts Descartes in a position of vulnerability in Husserl 's phenomenology as it allows Husserl to point out Descartes failures and inconsistency within his method.
When observing Descartes philosophy we are able to see his perspective, high influence and position within the study of Husserl 's phenomenology, his standing in this philosophy is of great importance as it bases the origination of most of Husserl 's