Metias Quotes

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June is a smart, reasonable, and determined person. When Metias died she vowed to bring Day in if it’s the last thing she did. She is that determined “[June] will hunt [Day] down. [she] will scour the streets of Los Angles for [him]. [She] makes him this promise: [Days] life is [hers](45). When Metias dies June easily inspects the crime scene showing off her intelligence. “Whoever hit him with this knife either stabbed him from close range or has an incredibly strong throwing arm. Right handed (43). Junes hatred for Day died down at the end of part one. She even gave a choice to give himself up and his family will be safe. “Now I’m giving you a chance to save your [family’s life]. Turn yourself in. Please. No one will get hurt” (156). Junes

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