
Mexican Oil Spill Essay

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The biggest oil spillage occurred at the Mexican Gulf precisely at Deepwater Horizon oil rig, Macondo Well. The Deepwater oil rig was owned and operated by Transocean and leased to British Petroleum (BP), which is an oil and gas company headquartered in London. The incident which saw the whole oil rig collapse led to the death of eleven staff members and injuries to seventeen others and untold damage to the marine life as hundreds of thousands of oil barrels were spilled into the ocean before the spillage was controlled and the leakage sealed. "Transocean's Ultra-Deepwater Semisubmersible Rig Deepwater Horizon Drills World's Deepest Oil and Gas Well" (Press release). Transocean. 2 September 2009. Archived from the original on 26 April 2010. …show more content…

The capsizing of the rig forced it way through the riser, which the drilling mud was to hold on to the rising pressure of the oil and natural gas, without any opposition from the forces (Pallardy, 2016). The oil began spilling over into the ocean and caused massive oil spillage. BP Oil Company did estimate that a thousand barrels of oil were being spilled every day however the U.S government refuted the claims and confirmed that close to sixty thousand barrels of oil were being spilled into the ocean every day as a result of the oil rig's …show more content…

The blame game between the stakeholders, that's Transocean who owned the rig, the company who were contracted to fix the point which later on led to the collapse of the rig and BP who had been leased the oil rig had leased the rig (Meigs, 2016). This saw so much distaste from the public as they felt that the key issue which was stopping oil spillage into the ocean and also solving the problem of oil spillage which had now caused much damage to the aquatic environment (Hertsgaard,

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